
Monday, April 7, 2014

Where has the time gone?

Man, I am terrible at keeping a blog.  Es tut mir leid.

Mann.  Wo ist die Zeit gegangen?  Dieses Jahr ist leider fast vorbei aber es scheint wie es nur gerade angefangen hat.  Gestern war 6. April und das hieß dass ich nur 3 Monate mehr habe.  Ich weiß nicht wie ich darüber fühle...  Ein Ding ist sicher und das ist dass ich alles von heute bis Juli genießen muss.  Ich bin nicht bereit nach Hause zu gehen, glaube ich.  Ich brauche noch Zeit um alles zu schaffen.  Ich habe so viele Leute zu bedanken aber ich behalte das bis später.  Kein weinen oder Abschiede brauchen wir noch nicht.  Also, damit fang ich mal an.

Coming to Germany, I thought it would be really easy and lots of fun to post pretty frequent blog posts, but that has not turned out to be the case.  Apparently I'm terrible at being able to formulate my life into words...  I've found this in trying to write a journal too...  Why can't I be one of those people who meticulously writes about their life to the point where other people want to do the same things that that person does?  Maybe someone is reading my blog and considering going on an exchange.  If this is the case and this is you, do it.  It is completely worth it.  In fact, stop reading my poorly-updated "blog" attempt and go onto the AFS website and APPLY!!!  You won't regret it.  Ich verspreche es.  But for those of you who are not between the ages of 15 and the age point where it's creepy if you go to a high school in another country, stick around because I'm about to blow your minds by actually writing a new post for once!  Viel Spaß ihr lieben!

What I've been up to lately:

  • In late February I left Eschwege for a little less than three weeks to participate in a "Europe Studienfahrt."  Basically I took part in a seminar about Europe and stayed with a different host family in a different town.  The seminar was in Vlotho, an extremely unknown town, and I stayed with a the Ludwigs and went to school near Osnabrück for two weeks.  The few weeks were great.  I met a lot of awesome exchange students and we did a lot together!  We went ice skating, had a pot luck dinner, and even went to Amsterdam, among other things.  It's really awesome getting to know so many people from across the world which is a great perk with AFS.  Shout out to Ece, Noelia, Maria, Aim, Kay, Um, Eric, Sergio, Ma, Kiko, Rebecca, Ally, Kelly, Andrea, and Maria!

  • Spring break is next week!  For the first week I'm traveling to Aalen to meet up with Shelbi and Ali <3 and then in the second week, my host family and I are traveling around southern Germany!
I hope you all have a wonderful Easter!

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